Interface UsersUser1

interface UsersUser1 {
    friend_status: FriendsFriendStatusStatus;
    mutual: FriendsRequestsMutual;
    online: BaseBoolInt;
    online_app: number;
    online_info: UsersOnlineInfo;
    online_mobile: BaseBoolInt;
    photo_100: string;
    photo_50: string;
    screen_name: string;
    sex: BaseSex;
    trending: BaseBoolInt;
    verified: BaseBoolInt;


online: BaseBoolInt
online_app: number

Application ID

online_info: UsersOnlineInfo
online_mobile: BaseBoolInt
photo_100: string

URL of square photo of the user with 100 pixels in width

photo_50: string

URL of square photo of the user with 50 pixels in width

screen_name: string

Domain name of the user's page

sex: BaseSex
trending: BaseBoolInt
verified: BaseBoolInt

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