Interface AccountSetSilenceModeParams

interface AccountSetSilenceModeParams {
    device_id?: string;
    peer_id?: number;
    sound?: number;
    time?: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


device_id?: string

Unique device ID.

peer_id?: number

Destination ID. "For user: 'User ID', e.g. '12345'. For chat: '2000000000' + 'Chat ID', e.g. '2000000001'. For community: '- Community ID', e.g. '-12345'. "

sound?: number

'1' - to enable sound in this dialog, '0' - to disable sound. Only if 'peer_id' contains user or community ID.

time?: number

Time in seconds for what notifications should be disabled. '-1' to disable forever.

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