Interface AdsGetCampaignsParams

interface AdsGetCampaignsParams {
    account_id: number;
    campaign_ids?: string;
    client_id?: number;
    fields?: "ads_count" | "ads_count"[];
    include_deleted?: number | boolean;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


account_id: number

Advertising account ID.

campaign_ids?: string

Filter of advertising campaigns to show. Serialized JSON array with campaign IDs. Only campaigns that exist in 'campaign_ids' and belong to the specified advertising account will be shown. If the parameter is null, all campaigns will be shown.

client_id?: number

'For advertising agencies'. ID of the client advertising campaigns are retrieved from.

fields?: "ads_count" | "ads_count"[]
include_deleted?: number | boolean

Flag that specifies whether archived ads shall be shown. *0 - show only active campaigns,, *1 - show all campaigns.

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