Interface AdsGetStatisticsParams

interface AdsGetStatisticsParams {
    account_id: number;
    date_from: string;
    date_to: string;
    ids: string;
    ids_type: "ad" | "campaign" | "client" | "office";
    period: "day" | "month" | "year" | "week" | "overall";
    stats_fields?: "views_times" | "views_times"[];
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


account_id: number

Advertising account ID.

date_from: string

Date to show statistics from. For different value of 'period' different date format is used: *day: YYYY-MM-DD, example: 2011-09-27 - September 27, 2011, **0 - day it was created on,, *month: YYYY-MM, example: 2011-09 - September 2011, **0 - month it was created in,, *overall: 0.

date_to: string

Date to show statistics to. For different value of 'period' different date format is used: *day: YYYY-MM-DD, example: 2011-09-27 - September 27, 2011, **0 - current day,, *month: YYYY-MM, example: 2011-09 - September 2011, **0 - current month,, *overall: 0.

ids: string

IDs requested ads, campaigns, clients or account, separated with a comma, depending on the value set in 'ids_type'. Maximum 2000 objects.

ids_type: "ad" | "campaign" | "client" | "office"

Type of requested objects listed in 'ids' parameter: *ad - ads,, *campaign - campaigns,, *client - clients,, *office - account.

period: "day" | "month" | "year" | "week" | "overall"

Data grouping by dates: *day - statistics by days,, *month - statistics by months,, *overall - overall statistics. 'date_from' and 'date_to' parameters set temporary limits.

stats_fields?: "views_times" | "views_times"[]

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