Interface BoardCreateCommentParams

interface BoardCreateCommentParams {
    attachments?: string | string[];
    from_group?: number | boolean;
    group_id: number;
    guid?: string;
    message?: string;
    sticker_id?: number;
    topic_id: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


attachments?: string | string[]
from_group?: number | boolean

'1' - to post the comment as by the community, '0' - to post the comment as by the user (default)

group_id: number

ID of the community that owns the discussion board.

guid?: string

Unique identifier to avoid repeated comments.

message?: string

(Required if 'attachments' is not set.) Text of the comment.

sticker_id?: number

Sticker ID.

topic_id: number

ID of the topic to be commented on.

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