Interface FaveGetParams

interface FaveGetParams {
    count?: number;
    extended?: number | boolean;
    fields?: string;
    is_from_snackbar?: number | boolean;
    item_type?: "link" | "product" | "clip" | "page" | "article" | "video" | "podcast" | "game" | "mini_app" | "post" | "narrative" | "youla_product";
    offset?: number;
    tag_id?: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


count?: number

Number of users to return.

extended?: number | boolean

'1' - to return additional 'wall', 'profiles', and 'groups' fields. By default: '0'.

fields?: string
is_from_snackbar?: number | boolean
item_type?: "link" | "product" | "clip" | "page" | "article" | "video" | "podcast" | "game" | "mini_app" | "post" | "narrative" | "youla_product"
offset?: number

Offset needed to return a specific subset of users.

tag_id?: number

Tag ID.

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