Interface FriendsGetParams

interface FriendsGetParams {
    count?: number;
    fields?: UsersFields[];
    list_id?: number;
    offset?: number;
    order?: "name" | "mobile" | "hints" | "random" | "smart";
    ref?: string;
    user_id?: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


count?: number

Number of friends to return.

fields?: UsersFields[]
list_id?: number

ID of the friend list returned by the [|friends.getLists] method to be used as the source. This parameter is taken into account only when the uid parameter is set to the current user ID. This parameter is available only for [|desktop applications].

offset?: number

Offset needed to return a specific subset of friends.

order?: "name" | "mobile" | "hints" | "random" | "smart"

Sort order: , 'name' - by name (enabled only if the 'fields' parameter is used), 'hints' - by rating, similar to how friends are sorted in My friends section, , This parameter is available only for [|desktop applications].

ref?: string
user_id?: number

User ID. By default, the current user ID.

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