Interface GroupsEditParams

interface GroupsEditParams {
    access?: GroupsGroupAccess;
    addresses?: number | boolean;
    age_limits?: GroupsGroupAgeLimits;
    articles?: number | boolean;
    audio?: GroupsGroupAudio;
    city?: number;
    contacts?: number | boolean;
    country?: number;
    description?: string;
    docs?: GroupsGroupDocs;
    email?: string;
    event_finish_date?: number;
    event_group_id?: number;
    event_start_date?: number;
    events?: number | boolean;
    group_id: number;
    links?: number | boolean;
    main_section?: number;
    market?: number | boolean;
    market_buttons?: string;
    market_city?: number | number[];
    market_comments?: number | boolean;
    market_contact?: number;
    market_country?: number | number[];
    market_currency?: GroupsGroupMarketCurrency;
    market_wiki?: number;
    messages?: number | boolean;
    obscene_filter?: number | boolean;
    obscene_stopwords?: number | boolean;
    obscene_words?: string | string[];
    phone?: string;
    photos?: GroupsGroupPhotos;
    places?: number | boolean;
    public_category?: number;
    public_date?: string;
    public_subcategory?: number;
    rss?: string;
    screen_name?: string;
    secondary_section?: number;
    subject?: GroupsGroupSubject;
    title?: string;
    topics?: GroupsGroupTopics;
    video?: GroupsGroupVideo;
    wall?: GroupsGroupWall;
    website?: string;
    wiki?: GroupsGroupWiki;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


addresses?: number | boolean
articles?: number | boolean
city?: number

City of the community.

contacts?: number | boolean

Contacts settings (for public pages only). Possible values: *'0' - disabled,, *'1' - enabled.

country?: number

Country of the community.

description?: string

Community description.

email?: string

Organizer email (for events).

event_finish_date?: number

Event finish date in Unixtime format.

event_group_id?: number

Organizer community ID (for events only).

event_start_date?: number

Event start date in Unixtime format.

events?: number | boolean

Events settings (for public pages only). Possible values: *'0' - disabled,, *'1' - enabled.

group_id: number

Community ID.

links?: number | boolean

Links settings (for public pages only). Possible values: *'0' - disabled,, *'1' - enabled.

main_section?: number
market?: number | boolean

Market settings. Possible values: *'0' - disabled,, *'1' - enabled.

market_buttons?: string


market_city?: number | number[]
market_comments?: number | boolean

market comments settings. Possible values: *'0' - disabled,, *'1' - enabled.

market_contact?: number

Seller contact for market. Set '0' for community messages.

market_country?: number | number[]
market_currency?: GroupsGroupMarketCurrency
market_wiki?: number

ID of a wiki page with market description.

messages?: number | boolean

Community messages. Possible values: *'0' - disabled,, *'1' - enabled.

obscene_filter?: number | boolean

Obscene expressions filter in comments. Possible values: , *'0' - disabled,, *'1' - enabled.

obscene_stopwords?: number | boolean

Stopwords filter in comments. Possible values: , *'0' - disabled,, *'1' - enabled.

obscene_words?: string | string[]
phone?: string

Organizer phone number (for events).

places?: number | boolean

Places settings (for public pages only). Possible values: *'0' - disabled,, *'1' - enabled.

public_category?: number

Public page category ID.

public_date?: string

Founding date of a company or organization owning the community in "" format.

public_subcategory?: number

Public page subcategory ID.

rss?: string

RSS feed address for import (available only to communities with special permission. Contact to get it.

screen_name?: string

Community screen name.

secondary_section?: number
title?: string

Community title.

website?: string

Website that will be displayed in the community information field.

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