Interface GroupsSearchParams

interface GroupsSearchParams {
    city_id?: number;
    count?: number;
    country_id?: number;
    future?: number | boolean;
    market?: number | boolean;
    offset?: number;
    q: string;
    sort?: 0 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
    type?: "page" | "event" | "group";
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


city_id?: number

City ID. If this parameter is transmitted, country_id is ignored.

count?: number

Number of communities to return. "Note that you can not receive more than first thousand of results, regardless of 'count' and 'offset' values."

country_id?: number

Country ID.

future?: number | boolean

'1' - to return only upcoming events. Works with the 'type' = 'event' only.

market?: number | boolean

'1' - to return communities with enabled market only.

offset?: number

Offset needed to return a specific subset of results.

q: string

Search query string.

sort?: 0 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Sort order. Possible values: *'0' - default sorting (similar the full version of the site),, *'1' - by growth speed,, *'2'- by the "day attendance/members number" ratio,, *'3' - by the "Likes number/members number" ratio,, *'4' - by the "comments number/members number" ratio,, *'5' - by the "boards entries number/members number" ratio.

type?: "page" | "event" | "group"

Community type. Possible values: 'group, page, event.'

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