Interface MarketGetParams

interface MarketGetParams {
    album_id?: number;
    count?: number;
    date_from?: string;
    date_to?: string;
    extended?: number | boolean;
    need_variants?: number | boolean;
    offset?: number;
    owner_id: number;
    with_disabled?: number | boolean;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


album_id?: number
count?: number

Number of items to return.

date_from?: string

Items update date from (format: yyyy-mm-dd)

date_to?: string

Items update date to (format: yyyy-mm-dd)

extended?: number | boolean

'1' - method will return additional fields: 'likes, can_comment, car_repost, photos'. These parameters are not returned by default.

need_variants?: number | boolean

Add variants to response if exist

offset?: number

Offset needed to return a specific subset of results.

owner_id: number

ID of an item owner community, "Note that community id in the 'owner_id' parameter should be negative number. For example 'owner_id'=-1 matches the [|VK API] community "

with_disabled?: number | boolean

Add disabled items to response

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