Interface MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsParams

interface MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsParams {
    attachment_position?: number;
    attachment_types?: "link" | "audio" | "video" | "audio_message" | "graffiti" | "doc" | "market" | "photo" | "wall" | "share" | "app_action_games" | "app_action_mini_apps" | ("link" | "audio" | "video" | "audio_message" | "graffiti" | "doc" | "market" | "photo" | "wall" | "share" | "app_action_games" | "app_action_mini_apps")[];
    cmid?: number;
    count?: number;
    extended?: number | boolean;
    fields?: UsersFields[];
    group_id?: number;
    max_forwards_level?: number;
    media_type?: "link" | "audio" | "video" | "audio_message" | "graffiti" | "doc" | "market" | "photo" | "wall" | "share" | "app_action_games" | "app_action_mini_apps";
    offset?: number;
    peer_id?: number;
    photo_sizes?: number | boolean;
    preserve_order?: number | boolean;
    start_from?: string;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


attachment_position?: number
attachment_types?: "link" | "audio" | "video" | "audio_message" | "graffiti" | "doc" | "market" | "photo" | "wall" | "share" | "app_action_games" | "app_action_mini_apps" | ("link" | "audio" | "video" | "audio_message" | "graffiti" | "doc" | "market" | "photo" | "wall" | "share" | "app_action_games" | "app_action_mini_apps")[]
cmid?: number
count?: number

Number of objects to return.

extended?: number | boolean
fields?: UsersFields[]
group_id?: number

Group ID (for group messages with group access token)

max_forwards_level?: number
media_type?: "link" | "audio" | "video" | "audio_message" | "graffiti" | "doc" | "market" | "photo" | "wall" | "share" | "app_action_games" | "app_action_mini_apps"

Type of media files to return: *'photo',, *'video',, 'audio',, 'doc',, 'link'.,'market'.,'wall'.,'share'

offset?: number
peer_id?: number

Peer ID. ", For group chat: '2000000000 + chat ID' , , For community: '-community ID'"

photo_sizes?: number | boolean

'1' - to return photo sizes in a

preserve_order?: number | boolean
start_from?: string

Message ID to start return results from.

Generated using TypeDoc