Interface MessagesSendParams

interface MessagesSendParams {
    attachment?: any;
    chat_id?: number;
    content_source?: string;
    disable_mentions?: number | boolean;
    domain?: string;
    dont_parse_links?: number | boolean;
    forward?: any;
    forward_messages?: number | number[];
    group_id?: number;
    intent?: "default" | "confirmed_notification" | "non_promo_newsletter" | "promo_newsletter" | "account_update" | "bot_ad_invite" | "bot_ad_promo" | "customer_support" | "finance_notification" | "game_notification" | "moderated_newsletter" | "purchase_update";
    keyboard?: any;
    lat?: number;
    long?: number;
    message?: string;
    payload?: any;
    peer_id?: number;
    peer_ids?: number | number[];
    random_id?: number;
    reply_to?: number;
    sticker_id?: number;
    subscribe_id?: number;
    template?: string;
    user_id?: number;
    [key: string]: any;

Hierarchy (view full)


[key: string]: any


attachment?: any

(Required if 'message' is not set.) List of objects attached to the message, separated by commas, in the following format: "_", '' - Type of media attachment: 'photo' - photo, 'video' - video, 'audio' - audio, 'doc' - document, 'wall' - wall post, '' - ID of the media attachment owner. '' - media attachment ID. Example: "photo100172_166443618"

chat_id?: number

ID of conversation the message will relate to.

content_source?: string

JSON describing the content source in the message

disable_mentions?: number | boolean
domain?: string

User's short address (for example, 'illarionov').

dont_parse_links?: number | boolean
forward?: any
forward_messages?: number | number[]
group_id?: number

Group ID (for group messages with group access token)

intent?: "default" | "confirmed_notification" | "non_promo_newsletter" | "promo_newsletter" | "account_update" | "bot_ad_invite" | "bot_ad_promo" | "customer_support" | "finance_notification" | "game_notification" | "moderated_newsletter" | "purchase_update"
keyboard?: any
lat?: number

Geographical latitude of a check-in, in degrees (from -90 to 90).

long?: number

Geographical longitude of a check-in, in degrees (from -180 to 180).

message?: string

(Required if 'attachments' is not set.) Text of the message.

payload?: any
peer_id?: number

Destination ID. "For user: 'User ID', e.g. '12345'. For chat: '2000000000' + 'chat_id', e.g. '2000000001'. For community: '- community ID', e.g. '-12345'. "

peer_ids?: number | number[]
random_id?: number

Unique identifier to avoid resending the message.

reply_to?: number
sticker_id?: number

Sticker id.

subscribe_id?: number
template?: string
user_id?: number

User ID (by default - current user).

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