Interface NotificationsSendMessageParams

interface NotificationsSendMessageParams {
    fragment?: string;
    group_id?: number;
    message: string;
    random_id?: number;
    sending_mode?: "delayed" | "delayed_push" | "immediately" | "without_push";
    user_ids?: number | number[];
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


fragment?: string
group_id?: number
message: string
random_id?: number
sending_mode?: "delayed" | "delayed_push" | "immediately" | "without_push"

Type of sending (delivering) notifications: 'immediately' - push and bell notifications will be delivered as soon as possible, 'delayed' - push and bell notifications will be delivered in the most comfortable time for the user, 'delayed_push' - only push notifications will be delivered in the most comfortable time, while the bell notifications will be delivered as soon as possible

user_ids?: number | number[]

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