Interface PhotosSaveWallPhotoParams

interface PhotosSaveWallPhotoParams {
    caption?: string;
    group_id?: number;
    hash?: string;
    latitude?: number;
    longitude?: number;
    photo: string;
    server?: number;
    user_id?: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


caption?: string

Text describing the photo. 2048 digits max.

group_id?: number

ID of community on whose wall the photo will be saved.

hash?: string
latitude?: number

Geographical latitude, in degrees (from '-90' to '90').

longitude?: number

Geographical longitude, in degrees (from '-180' to '180').

photo: string

Parameter returned when the the photo is [|uploaded to the server].

server?: number
user_id?: number

ID of the user on whose wall the photo will be saved.

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