Interface StoriesGetPhotoUploadServerParams

interface StoriesGetPhotoUploadServerParams {
    add_to_news?: number | boolean;
    clickable_stickers?: string;
    group_id?: number;
    link_text?: StoriesUploadLinkText;
    link_url?: string;
    reply_to_story?: string;
    user_ids?: number | number[];
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


add_to_news?: number | boolean

1 - to add the story to friend's feed.

clickable_stickers?: string
group_id?: number

ID of the community to upload the story (should be verified or with the "fire" icon).

link_url?: string

Link URL. Internal links on only.

reply_to_story?: string

ID of the story to reply with the current.

user_ids?: number | number[]

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