Interface UsersSearchParams

interface UsersSearchParams {
    age_from?: number;
    age_to?: number;
    birth_day?: number;
    birth_month?: number;
    birth_year?: number;
    city?: number;
    city_id?: number;
    company?: string;
    count?: number;
    country?: number;
    country_id?: number;
    fields?: UsersFields[];
    from_list?: string | string[];
    group_id?: number;
    has_photo?: number | boolean;
    hometown?: string;
    offset?: number;
    online?: number | boolean;
    position?: string;
    q?: string;
    religion?: string;
    school?: number;
    school_city?: number;
    school_class?: number;
    school_country?: number;
    school_year?: number;
    screen_ref?: string;
    sex?: 0 | 2 | 1;
    sort?: 0 | 1;
    status?: 0 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 7;
    university?: number;
    university_chair?: number;
    university_country?: number;
    university_faculty?: number;
    university_year?: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


age_from?: number

Minimum age.

age_to?: number

Maximum age.

birth_day?: number

Day of birth.

birth_month?: number

Month of birth.

birth_year?: number

Year of birth.

city?: number

City ID.

city_id?: number

City ID. Use parameter city instead

company?: string

Name of the company where users work.

count?: number

Number of users to return.

country?: number

Country ID.

country_id?: number

Country ID. Use parameter country instead

fields?: UsersFields[]
from_list?: string | string[]
group_id?: number

ID of a community to search in communities.

has_photo?: number | boolean

'1' - with photo only, '0' - all users

hometown?: string

City name in a string.

offset?: number

Offset needed to return a specific subset of users.

online?: number | boolean

'1' - online only, '0' - all users

position?: string

Job position.

q?: string

Search query string (e.g., 'Vasya Babich').

religion?: string

Users' religious affiliation.

school?: number

ID of the school.

school_city?: number

ID of the city where users finished school.

school_class?: number
school_country?: number

ID of the country where users finished school.

school_year?: number

School graduation year.

screen_ref?: string
sex?: 0 | 2 | 1

'1' - female, '2' - male, '0' - any (default)

sort?: 0 | 1

Sort order: '1' - by date registered, '0' - by rating

status?: 0 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 7

Relationship status: '0' - Not specified, '1' - Not married, '2' - In a relationship, '3' - Engaged, '4' - Married, '5' - It's complicated, '6' - Actively searching, '7' - In love, '8' - In a civil union

university?: number

ID of the institution of higher education.

university_chair?: number

Chair ID.

university_country?: number

ID of the country where the user graduated.

university_faculty?: number

Faculty ID.

university_year?: number

Year of graduation from an institution of higher education.

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