Interface WallGetCommentsParams

interface WallGetCommentsParams {
    comment_id?: number;
    count?: number;
    extended?: number | boolean;
    fields?: BaseUserGroupFields[];
    need_likes?: number | boolean;
    offset?: number;
    owner_id?: number;
    post_id?: number;
    preview_length?: number;
    sort?: "desc" | "asc";
    start_comment_id?: number;
    thread_items_count?: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


comment_id?: number

Comment ID.

count?: number

Number of comments to return (maximum 100).

extended?: number | boolean
need_likes?: number | boolean

'1' - to return the 'likes' field, '0' - not to return the 'likes' field (default)

offset?: number

Offset needed to return a specific subset of comments.

owner_id?: number

User ID or community ID. Use a negative value to designate a community ID.

post_id?: number

Post ID.

preview_length?: number

Number of characters at which to truncate comments when previewed. By default, '90'. Specify '0' if you do not want to truncate comments.

sort?: "desc" | "asc"

Sort order: 'asc' - chronological, 'desc' - reverse chronological

start_comment_id?: number
thread_items_count?: number

Count items in threads.

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