Class DocumentAttachment

Hierarchy (view full)



$filled: boolean
api: API
type: "doc" | DOCUMENT


  • get preview(): undefined | {
        audio_message?: {
            duration: number;
            link_mp3: string;
            link_ogg: string;
            waveform: number[];
        graffiti?: {
            height: number;
            src: string;
            width: number;
        photo?: IPhotoSize[];
  • Returns the info to preview

    Returns undefined | {
        audio_message?: {
            duration: number;
            link_mp3: string;
            link_ogg: string;
            waveform: number[];
        graffiti?: {
            height: number;
            src: string;
            width: number;
        photo?: IPhotoSize[];

  • get typeId(): undefined | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 7
  • Returns the type identifier

    1 - text documents

    2 - archives

    3 - gif

    4 - images

    5 - audio

    6 - video

    7 - e-books

    8 - unknown

    Returns undefined | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 7


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